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Our Clans

In Park Primary we have three clans which are named after the islands around the west coast of Scotland: Kerrera, Lismore and Iona. Each year we elect clan leaders (captains and vice captains). Our clan leaders are Primary 7 pupils.

This year our clan leaders are:






Abi & Finn

Charles & Lucy

Blythe & Harrison

Vice Captains

Addison & Caley

Iona & Charlotte

Calum J & Lois





All clan members work hard to earn points for their clan by following the rules, helping around the school, being kind and supportive to others, being eco-friendly, doing their best in class, etc. At the end of each week clan leaders add up all the points and the winning clan is announced at the school assembly. The winning clan gets to choose activities first during Funtime Friday. For every four wins a clan gets a treat which the clan members choose themselves.

Our clan cup is awarded each year at Sports’ Day to the winning clan with the most points gained over the year.

Clan Leader Update: December 2023

The clans had great success with their Christmas Enterprise project.  Iona made a grand total of £77 with their handmade coasters and trivia quiz.  Kerrera generated an impressive £141 with their Santa sleighs and milkshake stalls, while Lismore earned a cool £60 with their hot chocolate bags and Santa hats. All the clans would like to thank the parents who helped and supported them with these projects. The clans split the profits with the Parent Council, and they intend to use their share for very special clan treats.