Parents/carers are asked to ensure that telephone contact numbers – home, work and emergency contact(s) are kept up-to-date and are numbers at which a response can be obtained in all normal circumstances.
Keeping in Touch
At Park, we believe working closely with parents/carers is key to ensuring improved outcomes for all of our pupils. We offer many opportunities for parents to become involved in their child’s learning which are spread evenly throughout the year. We offer two Parents’ Evenings to discuss pupil progress and next steps. Learning Logs also go home twice yearly; this includes a summary of progress at the end of each session.
Our teachers send home weekly bulletins about what pupils are learning in class with suggested home learning activities. In addition to this, we also send home termly newsletters.
We regularly survey our parents on school priorities, to ensure the views of our whole school community are valued. Recent surveys have led to significant changes within the school.
We have an open door policy and welcome parents to contact us if they wish to discuss any aspect of their child’s learning. Information is communicated to parents via letters, emails, text messages and the Xpressions app (see below for more information).
Groupcall Xpressions App
This app is available for parents to ensure communication between home and school is easier and more effective. It is completely free of charge and can be installed on your mobile phone or tablet. It currently supports both Apple iOS and Android devices, simply search for ‘Groupcall Xpressions’. You can also login on a web browser at
If you have children in different schools and those schools also use Xpressions, you will be able to view information on multiple children within the same app.
What do I need to do now?
Please ensure we have your correct mobile number and email address on our school database to ensure you can use the new app as soon as it is available. Simply contact the school office to inform us of your new details. You’ll need to make sure you keep these details up to date in future to maintain access to the service.
What happens next?
Once the school have your contact details, you can install the app and login using your email address and mobile number. As long as the details you input match those we have in school, you should have no difficulty accessing the app. However, please contact the school office should you have any issues.
Once installed and set up you will have access to messages sent by the school office, and information on home learning activities and suggestions sent by your child’s teacher. You will also be able to message the school office directly using the Xpressions app.
Groupcall provide a dedicated support website for parents to also help you get up and running with Xpressions, or answer any common questions parents have on using the app:
Argyll & Bute’s Parental Engagement Strategy may be viewed at: